Apex Legends Loba Emotes / Loba Sub Badges For Twitch & Stream


Here we have a set of 3 apex legends loba emotes / loba sub badges designed based on the apex legends character loba. This emote sales bundle includes 3 awesome subemoted for twitch. These subemotes can be used by your fans to show you love and be connected with you. These loba emotes are awesome and are in 3 different expressions sad, happy, angry and sad. These emotes are super cool and are ready to be downloaded and added to your channel.


These loba emotes can be used as emotes, badges or subemotes in comments sections for streaming on platforms such as twitch, mixer, obs, youtube, facebook, twitter and almost anywhere with your fans.

3 Different loba emotes in one bundle

Each emote comes in 3 sizes [28x28px | 56x56px | 112x112px | 500x500px]

Twitch, Mixer, Youtube & Facebook Ready

Works on white and dark twitch design

Pay & download instantly

Buy these apex legends loba emotes now!

Apex Legends Loba Emotes / Loba Sub Badges For Twitch & Stream Premade Twitch Emotes


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